The Resurrection and Judgement Day

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
The Day of Resurrection

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Praise be to God, who guided us to this (path), and we would not have been guided, if God had not guided us to his true religion, his manifest great Book (The Holy Quran), and to the faith that reached to us by his great master, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and the followers of his prophet, his pure family, and the best of his righteous servants whom he created for us as a good example. So that we follow their path and their way to God, and forbid what God and His Messenger (PBUH) forbade us, and walk towards the sublimity and perfection that God Almighty wanted for us and His mercy for His servants been mentioned in His Book, the Noble Qur’an. The values of the Holy Quran are embodied in the behavior of the Prophet of Islam and his family members and their loyal companions.  The Lord of guardians, the Imam, the Commander , the Faithful, Ali Ibn Abi Talib and the daughter of the Messenger , the pure Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (the supreme benevolence of the faithful and obedient women) and their children, Hassan, Hussein, the martyr and The nine imams from the sons of al-Hussein, peace be upon them, and the last of them is the twelfth imam, the riser, the awaited Mahdi,the living and absent from sight. During the investigation and study of the honorable verses that were mentioned in the Holy Qur’an about the Day of Judgment and the Day of Judgment, there is a question that presents itself as to why we are discussing the subject of the Resurrection when it is clarified. Muslim women and all Muslims but all monotheists in God Almighty believe and believe in the Day of Resurrection? Yes, this is true, but the thing that we want and intend to achieve in this research is to deepen this belief so that the subject of resurrection and judgment on that difficult day becomes our property and an indicator of alarm to ring the alarm and immediate attention in all our actions, words and actions throughout our personal lives. For family, social, political, judicial, and planning for our future, our children, and our society. If this matter has been achieved in the life of a Muslim and a believer, starting from the ranks of the rulers of the country to the lowest ranks of people and from the farthest to the closest among them, what would have been The state of our societies that bear the title of pain has reached such a degree of inferiority and contempt, in which poverty and destitution abound, and justice and equity are lost, and corruption, murder, disease, injustice, and loss of safety, goodness and peace among people abound. For these chapters, the lofty goal for us in this investigation has become to approach degrees of certainty in the matter of the Resurrection (because as we know that achieving complete certainty is almost far from us, and that the degree of certainty is attained only by the saints, the prophets and the infallible imams, peace be upon them) with the help of God Almighty, the journey towards the afterlife begins from this day while we are still alive, and since we have reached mental and physical puberty in order to understand The commands of the Creator, the Most High, that have reached us through His Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the noble verses in His Great Book, the Glorious Qur’an, the honor of His Prophet and the pure imams from God upon him and upon them be the best of blessings and peace. The work was not done by what God, the Rule, and the people of his house (PBUH) had reached. For us it is at the end of life or before death, which we do not know when it will be, from the day we reach our puberty and understand this divine Dotter, and before we advise our children that we have such a prayer that we did not pray, or a fast that we did not fast, or that we have such a loan by right, so that they may perform it on our behalf. Or on the Day of Resurrection, as some of us imagine, because in the Hereafter and on the Day of Resurrection we will be tempted to prior belief in the One and Only God and the righteous deeds that Please God Almighty and the stage of faith and work is in the world and not after and in the hereafter. As the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, said in Nahj al-Balaghah: “O people, what I fear for you is two: following desires and prolonged hope. speeding) and there was nothing left of it but small drops (drops) …., except that the Hereafter has come, and each of them (the world and the Hereafter) have sons, so be among the children of the Hereafter and do not be among the children of this world, for every child will join his father (mother) on the Day of Resurrection. and today is work and there is no reckoning, and tomorrow there will be reckoning and there will be no work.” (Sermon No. 42 – Nahj Al-Balaghah – Dr. Subhi Al-Saleh pg. 80 High)

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The Resurrection and Judgement Day