
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

For the respected readers who wish to open the Book file that have all the Holy Quran Verses that revealed regarding the highly important subject in all people’s life especially poor people, that is “Spending in the Way of God”, please click on the following link:

Spending In the Way of Allah

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our master the Prophet Muhammad and his pure and infallible family.

So as every believer, when we recite the blessed verses and Surahs in the Holy Qur’an, that Holy Book that revealed by God, Lord of the Worlds to His Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family. When we think deeply on it, will be able to know and distinguish the topics discussed in the Glorious Qur’an and what He asks the believing people, men or women to perform them as legal and obligatory duties, such as the daily prayers for all those who are obligated, paying the zakat and the one in five (20% of income’s profit), performing Hajj, fasting, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is wrong, loving God’s friends, and dislike and disavowing the enemies of God and His Messenger and the people of his household peace be upon them all, which are obligatory for those who are responsible and who are able.

Spending is one of the things and actions emphasized by the Holy Qur’an, and it is more than a voluntary and voluntary form, and it comes as a continuation of the zakat and the khums, because it was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in the form of an order (spend), which suggests that it is obligatory for the rich and the able. Of course, diagnosing the rule that it is obligatory or desirable in the matter of spending is the specialty of the eminent jurists, and of course I am not one of them.

But in my minor opinion, at least the spending comes as a semi-duty or (a precautionary duty) for those who are able. And it is voluntary and desired (desirable) for those who are neither rich nor poor (average and according to their ability), and the matter here comes in the form of paying alms that the Holy Qur’an encourages us to do in order to draw closer to God Almighty and to increase the work of good deeds and atone for bad deeds. This matter means spending in the form of giving alms and other things that come in addition to working to pay zakat and the one-fifth that is obligatory on those who are able and does not suffice them.

The blessed verses of spending came with several words, such as “Spend from what He has provided you with” or “The men and women who are almsgivers ….” or “Lend to God a good loan….” and other expressions that we will mention in the context of the research in this book that I dedicate to our Master and Maulana, Sahib Azzaman (the owner of the age and time), the Imam Al-Hujjah Al-Qa’im (may God bless him and grant him peace) and dedicate its reward to the soul of my father, the late Hajj Abdul Rasul, the tailor Karbalai and to my late mother, who taught me the Noble Qur’an and raised me according to what my Lord commanded me to do what comes in His Noble revealed Book and to follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Sunnah of his household and the orders of the pure and infallible Imams from God the best of prayers and peace be upon them. (To Follow the details of this research, please click on the botton below and read the Holy Quran Verses that belong to Spending in the way of Allah translated to English:

Spending for Poor People

Spending in God’s way means much more than is conventionally understood. A careful reading of the Quran does reveal that such spending should be from both income and wealth, that the amount we should spend should be a considerably higher proportion of our income and wealth than is currently being practiced, and that the purposes for which we should spend are much more varied than are usually thought. The Quran urges us to spend out of our wealth and income or production (2:254; 6:141). Besides, we should use part of our income for our and our families’ current consumption, and save and invest part of our income for our future consumption, but we should not keep it idle or hoard it. Hoarding is bad for an economy. It deprives others; it curbs effective demand in the economy and holds back economic expansion, and if the hoarding is done in goods, it creates artificial scarcities and high prices of the hoarded goods.
The Quran strongly condemns hoarding (3): 180). Though everything prescribed in the Quran is fard or obligatory for us, God specifically mentions sadaqa as fard for us, and mentions where such spending should go: 9:60 The alms (sadaqa) are for the poor, the needy, and those who administer them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled (to truth), and to free the slaves and the debtors, and for the cause of God, and (for) the wayfarers; an obligatory duty (fard) imposed by God. God is Knower, Most Wise. Such spending is for those who are needy, and for those who are deprived, or poor (70:25), for parents, near relatives, orphans, wayfarers, and for those who ask (2:177), and for other causes of God, including that for freeing of captives or slaves, and for necessary reconciliation or rehabilitation of new converts to religion (2:177, 215; 8:41; 9:60; 24:22). Spending is also for those who are in need of help, but being involved in the cause of God, are unable to move about in the land, and who do not beg importunately (2:273). Likewise, we need also to spend for other noble causes such as for relieving the burden of those who are heavily laden with debt (9:60) and for miscellaneous other noble purposes, which can be termed as causes of God. As for the spending for the new converts, the Quran speaks well of the God-loving believers during the Prophet’s time, who were so generous to those who came to them for refuge that they gave preference to the refugees over themselves in helping them, even though they were poor (59:9). God advises those of us who are affluent that we should not make such promises as not to help our relatives, poor people, and those who leave their homes for the cause of God; and we are urged to forgive them and ignore their faults (24:22). He loves those who spend not only when they are in affluence or ease, but also when they are in hardship (3:134). He admonishes us to give others what is good, and not what we regard as bad and do not want to receive for ourselves (2:267). God characterizes freeing of war captives or slaves, or marrying them as equal partners as very important righteous deeds. Spending for such purposes is likewise a great virtue in the sight of God (2:177; 9:60).

Read more at World Religion News: “A Muslim Guide to Spending as Prescribed by the Quran Part 2” https://www.worldreligionnews.com/?p=6052

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Spending In the Way of Allah