All Prophets in the Holy Quran

In the Name of God, the Most gracious, the Most Merciful

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O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and guide me to the truth about which they differ, with your permission, that you guide whomever you will to a straight path.By God’s
grace and strength and trust in Him, the blessed Qur’anic verses that were revealed about the honorable prophets whosehonorable names are mentioned in the Noble Qur’an were collected, and they are twenty-fiveprophets, the most prominent of which are five prophetsdistinguished by the name“Ulwa Al-Azm”and they are the prophets, our master Noah and our master Abraham. Our master Moses and our master Jesus Christand our master and our Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and
 peace be upon him and his family and peace, and he is their seal and complement of the messages of all the prophets and messengers from the beginning of history to the time of our Noble Prophet (PBUH).There are also prophets who came to their people, and their names were not mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, but they were referred to without mentioning the names, and most of them weresent to guide the Children of Israel and were killed by the oppressors and the worshipers of the religion from the Children
 Israel themselves, and this was confirmed in repeated verses in the Holy Qur’an. The indexed book of the Noble Qur’an is called,not according to the alphabet, but according to the temporal progression of the mission of the prophets, peace be upon them,except for our Prophet, the greatest Messenger, may
God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because he istheir seal and
 belongs to us Muslims, so we mentioned the verses that belongs to our pure religion, which belongs to our Noble Prophet, may God’s
prayers and peace be upon him and his family. After mentioningour Prophet, we started with our master Adam, peace be upon him, then came the Prophet Idris, who is one of the sons of Sheth, peace be upon him, and then our master Noah and the prophets who were sent after him to our master Jesus bin Maryam,peace be upon them. The first objective of this investigation is to collect the verses ofhe Noble Qur’an that were revealed about the prophets and messengers, may God’s prayers be upon them all, and disassemble them inspecial groups for each prophet or messenger, so that this investigation would be like the Holy Qur’an indexing to the honorable prophets and the verses that were revealed against them. This work will be done in the order mentioned in the surahs of the Noble Qur’an from beginning to end.Each group will be in the form of doors, and each chapter will be under the name of each prophet or messenger, and we and will start with our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, and the seal of the prophets and messengers, and what he brought in the Glorious Qur’an in his regard, and to herald the true Islamic religion, then with the oldest of them from the
historical point of view. He is the father of mankind, Adam,peace be
 upon him, even the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, who preached the coming of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH) after him. The second goal is to know the message of every prophet, the society to which that
prophet was sent,who are their enemies, what is the result of this message,the events that resulted from it, the victory that has been achieved,or the divine promise that will be fulfilled in the end against falsehood, God willing.This will create a suitable ground for investigators and writers who are looking for every prophet and his message and the connection and relationship between the prophets with each other and they are all the monotheistic Abrahamic prophets.The common goal between them is the call to worship God Almighty alone with no partner and to the word: “There is no god but God.” We know that the
space of the message of Islam is the globe, and this message came to guide all human beings and people of different colors, tongues and countries, because the Noble Messenger sent “a mercy to the worlds”.
The main objective of this book is to remind us and to give an idea that there are broad and even broader dimensions to the message of the Final of the Prophets and and the Prophet of Islam Muhammed (peace be upon him) who we perceive. It is much more than being confined to a narrow and limited geographical horizon and to the Arabs themselves. Because the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to ratify and ratify all the prophets and messengers and what they brought of messages and books from
God Almighty.
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All Prophets in the Holy Quran

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