This Quran guides to what is most upright; and it gives good news to the believers who do good deeds, that they will have a great reward

Studies in the Verses of the Holy Quran

quran studies

Studies in the Holy Quran

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Quran Studies



In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

We say fully warm Welcome to all visitors who choose this website that holds the good word which sustenance, forces the heart and builds not destroy

We will study four subjects from the Noble Verses of the Wise Quran to find out what the Almighty God has Said in this regard

The 1st subject that will be studied is what should we do to solve the economic crises that being attacked most people in the globe and basically what we should do to uproot the roots of poverty in our societies? What does the Creator, the Most High, say and command us to do in this regard?

The 2st subject that will be studied is who are Jesus and his Virgin Mother Lady Mary? And what their place is in the Holy Quran that is believed that the Holy Quran is the holy book for all Muslims on the globe.

The 3rd subject that we will study is about all the Prophets that named in the Holy Quran. Each prophet mentioned in a chapter special to him and all the holy verses of that prophet came in this chapter with its English meaning that enable our growing youths who live in the western countries and also all people who are not familiar to Arabic language that is the original language of the Holy Quran. English language now is the language of study in schools and universities.

The 4th subject is about most of the Holy Verses of the Wise Quran that warned people about the Day of Resurrection and Judgement of Allah in the Last Day after this world. Each of us will gain the results of our works, good for good and bad for bad.

quran studies